How does Selma know what's right for me?

In short – Selma focuses on what's good for you, at all times. 
  1. Selma takes a look at your financial life: key things like your age, income, debt, savings and so forth. In addition, Selma calculates your wealth potential over the next years and analyses how comfortable you are in taking risks.
  2. Then, Selma puts together your investor profile – a sort of "balance sheet" of your finances.  This balance sheet shows how your financial life is currently structured.
  3. Based on your unique investor profile, Selma creates a blueprint for the right mix of investment products – your strategy. On a general level this means how much of your investments should:
    1) focus on growth (for example stocks and corporate bonds) and 
    2) how much should be invested in a more stable way to keep the overall risk low (for example government bonds). 

In addition, Selma e.g.: 

Selma ensures that you don’t spend money on expensive management fees, transaction costs or hidden kickbacks. 😊

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