All Categories > Investment account
18 articles
You are transferring the initial investment amount to your new Selma account and want to know what happens next.
Updated 5 years ago by Laurène
Selma invests a minimum of 8% in Swiss companies to take advantage of trading in Swiss francs and the defensive nature of Swiss company shares.
Updated 1 year ago by Laurène
Selma monitors the price of global stock markets and checks if prices are high or low. Once prices are high, Selma sells investments and vice versa. Selma does this to reduce risks.
Updated 2 years ago by Marco Barmettler
There are no costs for choosing the sustainability preference. Due to selling some investments and buying sustainable alternatives, indirect costs can occur.
Updated 2 years ago by Carina Wetzlhütter
You can withdraw money or close your account at any point in time. Note that selling your investments and transferring the money to your account at another bank can take up to one week.
The date that Selma shows for buys and sales is the date when the actual movement of money on your account takes place.
Updated 4 years ago by Laurène
Everybody's life is different. Some can afford to lose more money than others. That's why not everybody should invest in the same way.
No one can predict when it's the best time to buy and sell investments. That's why you should always think about the long-term perspective of your investments.
Investments: 2'000 CHF, Pillar 3a: 500 CHF
Updated 3 years ago by Laurène
Invest in your unique investment mix.
Selma invests in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) because they are low in costs, transparent and have clear goals.
Updated 2 years ago by Laurène
At least for 3-5 years, preferably much longer.
Updated 7 years ago by Laurène
Selma looks through all available investment products and picks the best ones.
Rebalancing stands for adjusting your investment planet.
Here is a short explanation what the words in the transaction list mean.
Updated 2 years ago by Kevin Linser
You can provide Selma with up to 16 pieces of information about your life to help her create your ideal investment mix within 5 minutes, removing at least one of your worries so that you can focus on the more entertaining things in life!
Selma maintains your investment planet at all times and makes adjustments whenever something significant happens with your finances or in the market.
Selma does not only use one method to calculate your returns, but shows you different returns at different places in the service to give you the most transparent information possible. Time-weighted and money-weighted return.