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12 articles
Simply send us both addresses (old and new), we'll take care of updating your details.
Updated 3 months ago by Laurène
Simply send money monthly (or occasionally) to your Selma account.
Updated 11 months ago
As a Selma client, you receive a Swiss Tax report once a year.
Updated 1 year ago by Laurène
To close your investment account, please contact us in the chat and we will take the necessary steps. You will have to sell your investments so that your investment account is empty before we can close it.
Updated 2 years ago by Laurène
When a 3a account is withdrawn, it is automatically closed afterwards. The same applies if the 3a account is transferred from Selma to another provider, the 3a account is automatically closed.
Your investment account & your 3a account must be closed before you can close your Selma user account. To close your Selma account, please contact us in the chat and tell us the reason for closure. We will then gladly take the necessary steps to close your Selma account.
Turn investment preference on and off to fine-tune your investment mix.
Updated 4 years ago by Laurène
Invite your friends to Selma and earn CHF 34.- in cash - as bonus to your investment account. Your friend will also get CHF 34.-.
At Selma you are able to ditch old post and paper processes and open a bank account with our custodian bank Saxo Bank (Switzerland) completely online. Your data and your identity is always safe with…
Promo and referral codes can only be activated before money arrives on your account.
Al you have to do is to transfer a small amount to your investment account from the desired bank account. It only takes a minute!
Unfortunately, due to regulatory requirements, we cannot offer portfolio management for customers abroad. Your Selma investment account must be closed when you leave Switzerland.
Updated 2 years ago by Marco Barmettler